Cost of Living in Mesa

Mesa, Arizona is a popular city located in Maricopa County. It is the third largest city in Arizona, after Phoenix and Tucson, with a population of over 500,000 people. Mesa is known for its rich history, beautiful weather, and thriving business community. However, one of the challenges of living in Mesa is that the cost of living is higher than the national average. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the higher cost of living in Mesa and how it affects the residents of the city.

Housing Costs

One of the biggest contributors to the higher cost of living in Mesa is the housing market. According to Zillow, the median home value in Mesa is $342,900, which is higher than the national median home value of $295,300. Additionally, the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Mesa is around $1,200, while the national average is around $1,073.

The high housing costs in Mesa can be attributed to several factors. First, the city’s strong job market and thriving economy attract many people, leading to a high demand for housing. Second, the city’s limited land availability and strict zoning laws restrict new housing development, which can drive up prices. Finally, the city’s location in a desert climate with limited water resources makes it more expensive to build and maintain homes and apartments.

Transportation Costs

Transportation costs in Mesa are also higher than the national average. According to Numbeo, the average cost of a gallon of gas in Mesa is $3.34, compared to the national average of $2.89. Additionally, the city’s public transportation system is not as developed as in some other major cities, which means that many residents rely on their own cars for transportation. This can lead to higher costs for gas, maintenance, and insurance.

Food Costs

Food costs in Mesa are also higher than the national average. According to Numbeo, the average cost of a meal at an inexpensive restaurant in Mesa is around $15, compared to the national average of $12. Additionally, the cost of groceries in Mesa is higher than the national average, which can make it more difficult for residents to afford healthy food options.


Utilities are another factor contributing to the higher cost of living in Mesa. According to Numbeo, the average monthly utility bill for a 915 square foot apartment in Mesa is around $153, compared to the national average of $147. This is partly due to the city’s hot and dry climate, which can lead to higher air conditioning costs in the summer.

Effects on Residents

The higher cost of living in Mesa can have a significant impact on the city’s residents. For example, the high housing costs can make it difficult for many residents to afford a home, which can lead to increased homelessness and housing insecurity. Additionally, the high food costs can make it more difficult for residents to maintain a healthy diet, which can lead to negative health outcomes.

The high transportation costs can also make it difficult for many residents to get to work or school, which can impact their ability to earn a living or further their education. Finally, the higher utility costs can be a significant burden for low-income residents, who may struggle to pay their bills and keep their homes cool in the hot Arizona summers.

In the cost of living in Mesa is higher than the national average due to several factors, including the high cost of housing, transportation, food, and utilities. While the city’s thriving economy and strong job market make it an attractive place to live, the high cost of living can make it difficult for many residents to afford basic necessities. As the city continues to grow and develop, it will be important for policymakers and community leaders to address these issues and work towards making Mesa a more

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